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    Saturday, November 29, 2008

    More Harry Potter Literary Elements Announcement

    I posted a while back about some of the literary elements in Harry Potter, I have noticed through my feedjit feed that I am getting most of my hits based on searches for Harry Potter Literary Elements, so I am going to go through each book and look at them one by one to describe the effective elements in each book. I will release one a week on Tuesday's for the next 7 weeks. I hope that fills a need for the few of you who are actually reading the blog.

    Another guest contributor

    Well... after my older son contributed, my younger son had to get in on the act.  I will post their video reviews from time to time, both here and on YouTube.

    Friday, November 14, 2008

    Free Digital Library to All

    I have been spending bunch of time watching TED talks lately.  I bumped into them via another blog I follow and I have found them to be amazing.  I don't agree with everything in all of them, but this one certainly had some food for thought.TED Talks

    Sunday, November 9, 2008

    He will be sorely missed!

    Michael Crichton passed way last Tuesday. He was 66 years old and lost his battle with cancer. He will be sorely missed.

    Mr. Crichton was a fine author. His hyper-realistic style prompted many movies, the TV Series E.R. and a string of phenomenal novels. I had just picked up and read his book Terminal Man when I heard the news. I haven't been able to blog about his books, but you can read my reviews on GoodReads. I greatly respect Mr. Crichton and his attention to detail. His ability to make me believe a story was one I marveled at even as I read a book I knew was fiction. The best example of this I an relate is the book Congo (not the movie which you should only watch so you can see exactly how bad a movie can be) I read Congo literally in about 9 hours. I picked it up because I had seen the movie advertised and wanted to read the book first. A habit I have since reversed completely. As I sat in my reading chair and devoured page after page, I continually kept asking myself, ok, so is the real? Is this a novel? Eaters of the Dead was another fine example of this kind of craftsmanship.

    I pay Michael Crichton a true compliment when I say reading his books helped me become a more educated person which is to say a better person. You will be missed!

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