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    Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Literary Elements (Warning Spoilers)

    Welcome to the end of the series! J.K. Rowlings and mine. I noted a few weeks ago that most of the people who were arriving at my site were arriving via searches for Harry Potter and Literary Elements. I have really enjoyed going back through the books looking for Literary Elements especially foreshadowing.

    This was the book it all ended in. I have been rereading first books also. For example Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight which was definitely a first book. There were elements that appeared in the first book which dropped out or were redefined in later books. The amazing thing to me is that J.K. Rowling not only didn't do that, but revisited elements that had apparently been minor details. For example the fact that Aberforth was present in an almost impercebtible way in Book 5 but showed up again importantly at the end of Book 7. The reference in book 3 about Pettigrew being in debt to Harry came back with force when Pettigrew tried to betray Voldemort and help Harry and Pettigrew's magical hand revolted and murdered him.

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