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    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Harry Potter Foreshadowing: Book 2 (Warning spoilers)

    Book 2 starts off with Harry lonesome at home. Harry is instructed to stay upstairs make no sound and pretend that he isn't there. A task made much more difficult by the arrival of Dobby. Dobby gives us the first bit of foreshadowing by telling Harry that the danger he faces this year doesn't have anything to do with Voldemort. Later we find that in fact the it didn't have anything to do with Voldemort but rather with Tom Marvolo Riddle.

    The more significant foreshadowing happens all through the book as we find again and again that Harry has lots in common with the Heir of Slytherin and with Slytherin himself. He speaks Parseltongue being one of the most notable. Another part of the foreshadowing occurs when Harry takes possesion of Tom's Diary. When he does the attacks stop. When he loses it the attacks start back up. This was the clue that the diary was influencing the monster. Dobby earlier had given another clue related to the diary. One of the premier examples of how well Rowling had planned these books. When Dobby warned Harry he mentioned that Voldemort had powers that no decent wizard would use. Was this a reference to Voldemort turning the diary into a Horcrux? It sures seems to be. And if Dobby knew what it was it was an impressive feat for the little elf because Dumbldore suspects that not even Malfoy knew what it was (check book 6)

    Speaking of Dumbledore the most impressive foreshadowing was right here in the end of book 2. Dumbledore spends a significant amount of time talking to Harry about the similarities between Harry and Tom. The most amazing reference being Dumbledore's revelation that he suspects that Voldemort transferred some of his power to Harry explaining how Harry has the ability to speak to snakes. Significantly it is Harry's decisions that mark him as different, but nonetheless this is the first clue that Harry is in fact a horcrux and has a portion of Voldemort's spirit sharing his body.

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