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    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Introducing Book Blog Video and my guest contributor

    I want to introduce Book Blog Video.  Now not only is no one reading this, but now no one can watch it too!  I also need to introduce my son as a guest contributor.  He will be helping me from time to time.  He is very excited about it.

    Monday, October 13, 2008


    When, I was still teaching in the classroom, I saw student after student come through my class with a series of books:  DragonLance Chronicles.  The first book Dragons of Autumn Twilight was the one that really stuck out to me.  I kept telling myself, I would look at it someday.  Well some day finally came and I read them.  Exceptional books for the genre.  My general opinion of books of this type is that they are 'faddy'  the roll with the fad.  You see Pokemon books, Bakugan books and there have been other books based on Dungeons and Dragons and other Role-playing games, and they appeal to a certain crowd (I must admit I definitely empathize with that crowd if I am not a full fledged part of it.....isn't it funny how you never really know if you are part of a crowd?)

    Well, anyway more than 20 years after the books were originally published they are doing what toy manufacturers have done for years.  Lets' market Mom and Dad's favorites to Mom and Dad's Kids.  Seriously, anyone remember He-Man or Transformers from their youth, well they were both re-marketd as were My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake.  Now, Dragonlance has been remarketed The Dragon Codex books are actually a pretty good series.  My son has loved all of them.  He has also liked the Practical Guide series.  If you are a fan of fantasy and are looking for a good way to introduce your kids to fantasy these are a pretty good place to start.

    See my List on Amazon.com for information on getting these books:

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Wow... Faith in Human Nature is Restored

    A few weeks back I posted about losing my book Radical Evolution.  I was completely disappointed that I had lost it and no one had turned it in.  I have called the Lost and Found for the bus I ride but no luck, no one had turned it in.   Anyway, I gave it up as a lost cause.  

    Then Monday, I was waiting for the bus and two different buses I can take pulled up at the downtown stop at the same time.  I had to pick so I got on one I normally don't.  A ways down the road as the bus started to empty I moved up a couple of seats to get an empty row.  A few minutes later another gentleman moved up across the aisle from me.  I was fussing around with my iPod and happened to glance away from the movie I was watching and looked across the aisle.  The gentleman was reading a book with the chapter entitled "Prevail." The next chapter up in Radical Evolution for me.  Turns out he had found my book and been so interested in it that he had to finish it before he tried finding the owner. 

    Funny set of coincidences and now, I'll get my book back.....as soon as he finishes it.

    Sunday, October 5, 2008

    More great literature resources: MS Reader

    There are certainly a lot of great reading resources available and one of the best around is Microsofts' Reader. This reader has several features that increase the appeal of this free software.

    Free Books:
    There is a vast library of free books available for the Microsoft Reader.  Many different entities are making books available at no cost in the Microsoft Reader format.  Since Reader is backed by the largest software entitiy in the world it is a pretty good bet that it will have sufficient support to maintian itself.  This has encouraged several sources to create libraries of book available free.  Most of these are in the public domain, so if you love the Classics, Reader is a good option for you.

    Powerful Annotation options:
    Reader comes with a more than adequate suite of annotation resources including: bookmarks, personal notes added to any text, and the ability to search multiple titles at once.  The library option is also useful because it shows you all the books you have and whether you have opened them or not.  I also frequently use the "open to the furthest read" option to take me back where I was last reading.

    Ease of Reading:

    I have read 4 or 5 full books on Reader and found it very enjoyable.  As I mentioned above the bookmarking and "open to furthest read" options make it easy to pick back up.  The text was legible and when I moved one out to my Windows Mobile device it ran seamlessly and was easy to read there too. 

    MS Reader does have a few drawbacks, for those who may already have a library in another format it doesn't convert easily (there are some software solutions out there that do it, but MS Reader doesn't read anything but it's native format)  also for some they will have to resign themselves to continue being a microserf.  Personally, I enjoy having another great product that I know will be supported and compatible with the system I already have.

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