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    Saturday, December 27, 2008

    Literary Elements in Harry Potter 4

    I have already done my main posting for this week about Harry Potter 4, but I wanted to talk a little more about the elements of prophecy and prediction in the books. Some folks don't really like Professor Trelawney, but she is key to the whole series. It was her prophecy and Snape's reporting of it that sparked the Dark Lord's attack on James and Lily. She is a right old fraud for the most part, but she does play an important part in the books. Many times it is her class and the work that is done in it that plays counter-point to her own true prophecies and to Harry's insights into Voldemort. In fact in book 4 Harry has a most significant dream during class. Another example of how well J.K. Rowling adds elements to her stories.

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