The Beasts of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I have rediscovered Edgar Rice Burroughs I picked copies of a few of his books for Microsoft Reader on my phone. ( and then located them on the Kindle Store for my iPod Touch. I have re-read a few of them on the bus over the last few weeks and I am struck by one thing. INACCURACIES. I read them before I went to college and got a Bachelor's degree in Zoology, before I had spent hours watching Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, before I had visited a Zoo. His description of 7 foot tall 'apes' and they aren't gorillas (the gorillas are even bigger) is astounding.
Also his infatuation with the noble class of England and France. No one in the books has a good character unless they are Aristocracy and wealthy.
I should hate these books, they should offend me. They are full of racial stereotypes, negative depictions, foolishness and speculation. I like to think of myself as a thoughtful, progressive rational human being. One who prides himself on knowing and understanding the worl accurately.
But, I've got to tell you. They are so fun to read. It's kind of like a Sommelier going to the local convenience store and buying a box of wine for a cheap drunk.
Anyway the whole series is a lot of fun
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I am biased
7 years ago