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    Friday, March 13, 2009

    He's decomposing

    If you are one of the unfortunate people who have experienced the tragedy of reading A Series of Unfortunate Events, then you have the unique affliction of being acquainted with Lemony Snicket. Much to our dismay and consternation he has written another book.

    This book is a new investigation into the darker side of what some people want us to believe is high civility, but is in reality probably a dark conspiracy involving organized crime. This book starts out with the vexatious Lemony Snicket encountering a Composer who has failed miserably at his job so miserably in fact that he is not composing at all but rather decomposing. Mr. Snickets thankless (thankless becuase we would rather he didn't do it not because no on thanks him) job is to investigate the "Orchestra" a group who much like another organization dresses up in finery and mysteriously carry strange locked black cases and often slip in through back doors. You can hear more of this book and read further dreadful details at the NPR website.

    Citation Nod:

    The books already written by Lemony Snicket

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