You can read Stephenie Meyer's response to this situation here.
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
My review
Dear Stephenie,
First I want to express my sincerest condolences for the violation of your rights as a person, creator, and author. The leaking of your work before you were ready was clearly painful.
Having said that, I fervently hope that you complete this book. Some of the comments indicate that what most bothers you is that the story was not complete, not polished, not done. That is the nature of storytelling. When our stories were oral traditions each telling must have been embellished, altered for the audience, improved, and renewed with each telling. I know for myself as I tell stories that is how I do it.
We readers for the most part understand that the draft is still a draft, it is juvenile in it's lifespan (not necessarily in it's content) but clearly your readership craves for this story. I genuinely hope that you won't let the changing nature of our world, discourage you from finishing the story. There was a time when an artist could control their work until the time they were ready to unveil it in full glory, but so often now, the draft, the unfinished, the unpolished becomes available to the masses before the creator is prepared for it. Rather than spurn this, I hope you can see it in you to embrace it. We readers love both the process of watching you work and the final project.
I am sorry I won't be able honoring your wish that no one read this draft, unless you can confirm that you will one day return to it and finish nurturing it to adulthood. I want to hear the story, I want to see it grow and to see you grow as an author. I value the story too much to want you to abandon it. Please, for your readers pick this back up!
View all my reviews.
p.s. After writing the review, and then this post I went to look for a way to send Stephenie Meyer the actual letter. Blearrgh NO CONTACT AVAILABLE. Nothing, Nada, zip. So if anyone actually reads this post and agrees with me, I would love a comment, (if you don't agree with me feel free to comment too) But if you agree with me please tweet this post, re-blog it, or link to it Hopefully with enough upswell from fans she will hear about it and finish the book!