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    Thursday, September 4, 2008

    Ursula K LeGuinn

    I have always loved her Earthsea trilogy from way back when... But a couple of years ago she wrote another novel called Tehanu as the fourth in the Earthsea cycle and subtitled as the last of the Earthse books. Then she wrote two more. Tehanu was a very good book and brought Ged and Tenar back together. Book 5 is called Tales of Earthsea and the final book is called The Other Wind. Tales of Earthsea was a series of short stories that among other things gave some background on how magic evolved in Earthsea and who Ogion the Silent is.

    But what I am really writing about is her series calledAnnals of the Western Shore.  I checked her site, but I didn't find out whether this is the same world as Earthsea just a different part of the globe.  (I have always wondered if there is more to Earthsea than the isles)  Anyway this newer series has been very good so far.  She managed to pull me in as completely as she did with A Wizard of Earthsea. 

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