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    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    First meetings in the Enderverse

    A few weeks ago I had a big trip north to a nephew's wedding reception. I was driving with my parents and kids. I knew that I wasn't in a very talkative mood so we swung by the local library to get an Audio book. The book I wanted to get wasn't available and frankly, I don't remember what I was looking for now. I did run across Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. The kids picked Dragonsinger and I got 6 hours of blissful listening which was really what I wanted that weekend. But I started listening to Ender's Game which had me running back to the library and I spotted a book of my "to-read" list. It was great!

    First Meetings in Ender's Universe First Meetings in Ender's Universe by Orson Scott Card

    My review

    rating: 4 of 5 stars
    I am a big fan of Ender's Game which may be in my Top 10 all time favorite books if I could ever create such a list. This book is as close to a prequel as Orson Scott Card has come. The original Bugger wars are still in the past and remain background and history, but we get to meet Ender's father and Captain Graff before he took over the battle school. We also get to see John Paul Wiggin meet Theresa Brown and learn exactly how calculated Ender's birth really was. This book was a treat especially right after finishing Ender's game again. For fans of the Endervers this collection of stories is a real treat. It is just what it says it is a collection of first meetings that haven't been revealed in other places. All of the stories except Teacher's Pest were originally published elsewhere first overall this book is right up there for me because it was great to get submerged into the Enderverse again.

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